Sustainable and Climate Ready Schools

San Mateo County has more people, homes, and property value at risk from the first 3 feet of sea level rise than any other county in California, with 34 schools, 290 miles of roads, 30,000 properties, and over 100,000 residents in harm’s way.

To address this transformative challenge, we take a holistic approach to the:

  • Threat – not just historic rain events, but storms made more extreme by climate change and substantial sea level rise;
  • Geography – align and connect protection for neighboring jurisdictions; and
  • Objectives – reduce these threats; turn waterways & shorelines from liabilities into assets that are integrated into communities; and utilize green infrastructure and public and private lands.

Please look to us as a resource when incorporating climate change and sea level rise into the K-12 curriculum, and when seeking to enhance climate resilience in your school’s campus, community, and culture.

Learn more about us and our work HERE

We want to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us, at